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Behaviour Agreement

All members are required to read and agree to the WAYTCo behaviour agreement. It has been developed with input from members and provides important guidance on what is expected of you.


The following are the behaviours we encourage in order for you to be your best, creative self:

  • Empathy, compassion, courage and authenticity
  • Commitment is fostered as an essential artistic and life skill
  • Clear communication is important at all times, in many different modes, even with difficult things
  • Resilience takes practice and is encouraged and fostered
  • Dedication and passion are infectious and will be rewarded


WAYTCo seeks to be a safe workspace for all its stakeholders, including members, participants, staff, collaborators, parents, audiences and funders. To maintain a safe environment, both in person and online, here are some principles we expect every person to adhere to:

  • Creativity is encouraged and celebrated.
  • Diversity and inclusion are actively sought, promoted and defended.
  • Positivity is nurtured.
  • Authenticity is expected.
  • Safe risk taking is encouraged. Individual safety is determined by WAYTCo member and/or in consultation with WAYTCo staff and facilitators.
  • Discrimination on the grounds of ethnic, social, religious, sexuality or gender status or expression is prohibited. Furthermore, discrimination on the grounds disability is also prohibited, with the understanding that a type of disability can be intellectual, sensory, physical, chronic illness, and/or mental illness. Gender Expression refers to choices and propensities around gendered appearance and can include clothing, hair styles, hormone therapy, surgical procedures, vocabulary and body language (this does not necessarily equate to sexual diversity).
  • Body contact and touch will only occur where work appropriate and always in negotiation with each WAYTCo member and or WAYTCo staff member. WAYTCo members are empowered to question or opt out of activities that they determine present a risk to their safety or comfort. Staff members will acknowledge a member’s right to opt out of any activity which that member deems inappropriate. WAYTCo will appoint an intimacy coach for where necessary for production rehearsals.
  • Keep your language use appropriate at all times and be mindful of things that might upset or offend other people.  If it is not something that you would be comfortable with a WAYTCo staff member, trainer or facilitator (or your grandparents) to overhear or read then do not say or write it to another member.
  • All public statements from WAYTCo, including media comments or public addresses, are to be approved by WA Youth Theatre Company’s Board of Directors.

In the room at WAYTCo workshops, rehearsals, meetings and performances the following is also expected of you:

  • WAYTCo members will ensure that they maintain, at all times, a level of personal hygiene that does not impact or adversely affect other members or stakeholders of any WAYTCo event or program.
  • Drugs, alcohol and smoking are prohibited for participants in WAYTCo programs. Members must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol before or during any programs, classes, rehearsals and performances. WAYTCo members who need to smoke must do so off premises – by law a minimum of ten meters away from the building.


If you have the opportunity to join the cast or crew of a WAYTCo production you should expect to work in a professional theatre environment. The following are expected of you once you have made the commitment to be a part a production:

  • Personal Preservation – During an extended WAYTCo event such as rehearsals and performance engagements or a tour. WAYTCo members will avoid or limit other activities or experiences that could potentially risk an injury and thereby limit their ability to fulfill their commitment to WAYTCo. For example, during the season of your WAYTCo play please don’t discover a new passion for Roller Derby. Do that after the run of the play has ended!
  • Personal Appearance – If you have been cast in a WAYTCo production you are expected to maintain your appearance for the run of the show. For example, if you have been cast with long hair it must remain long for the duration of the season. Any changes to your agreed appearance that you wish to make during a production must have the director’s approval before you make it.
    Performance changes – once your performance has been rehearsed, tech-ed and signed off by the Company, you are required to maintain that performance and not alter it in any way.
  • Holiday and special event consideration – Individuals accepting opportunities with WAYTCo do so having checked availability for all rehearsal and performance dates. These are provided to you well in advance. Should unexpected opportunities arise individuals are still expected to prioritise the pre-existing WAYTCo agreement and attend all rehearsals and performances. Emergencies of course will be special consideration.


Whether you are involved in a class, a rehearsal, a performance or an online program you are expected to attend on time. It is expected that:

  • Attendance:
Please ensure that you arrive at least five minutes before the call time. Late attendance to classes, events, rehearsals and performances is not acceptable, unless arranged prior to the event.
  • Call Us:
Call or text if you are running late, as a professional courtesy.
  • After Event Pick Ups for under 18 members: Parents/guardians of under-age WAYTCo members need to ensure they pick up their children promptly after WAYTCo events have concluded.
  • Commitment: Places for WAYTCo classes/workshops/performance casts/ensembles are limited. If you cannot commit to the full program you will need to let us know before the program commences.


  • You are asked to notify us of any current injury, medical or dietary requirements if it impacts your involvement in WAYTCo programs and productions in any way.
  • Adequate medications are to be supplied/carried by each member (or by parent or guardian for members under 18) where appropriate for any participant.
  • You are required to provide early notice of illness or medical absenteeism.


WAYTCo documents its programs for reporting and promotional purposes. As part of your membership you agree to the following:

  • WAYTCo will be documenting classes and rehearsals, studio showings, rehearsals, and performances where appropriate and with consent.
  • You give your consent to having your photograph taken or video footage taken when you are engaged in official WAYTCo activities. If you have concerns about this it is your responsibility to notify WAYTCo staff and/or the photographer or filmmaker and we will take these into account.


  • When you are in the studio or rehearsal room or participating in a WAYTCo program you are expected to have your mobile devices switched off. Devices should be switched off in any dressing rooms and always during performances and showcases.
  • Each activity may have its own rules for online engagement and documentation. If you would like to take and share photos during a WAYTCo activity please consult a staff member before doing so. All communications, via phone, text message, email or on social media platforms must abide by all of the rules regarding safe space and respect listed in this document.


Breaches of this agreement may result in disciplinary action. In the case of a breach, you will be issued with a warning. You will face further action should subsequent breaches occur. Ultimately, WAYTCo applies a ‘three strikes you’re out’ rule across all programs.

If you have any concerns about this agreement or about safety in WAYTCo’s activities, you can contact us by these means:

(08) 9226 2144



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