Board Call Out
WAYTCo is on the look out for new board members! We're seeking individuals with high-level skills, a passion for theatre and preparedness to fully commit to the role.
WAYTCo is on the look out for new board members! We're seeking individuals with high-level skills, a passion for theatre and preparedness to fully commit to the role.
At the upcoming Annual General Meeting, to be held 29 April 2024, the WAYTCo membership will elect new board members and say goodbye to those who have completed their terms or are otherwise wrapping up their time in service to the Company. The representative and skilled qualities the board is looking for this year:
* candidates must be at least 18 years of age and no older than 26. Regarding the upper age limit for the Youth Representative role, candidates must be under 27 and due to remain under 27 until April 2025.
Board meetings are held every six weeks on a Monday evening, 6pm start, and run for 1-2 hours. Board members are expected to attend all meetings and to put forward a formal apology if they absolutely cannot make a meeting.
A Board Reading Pack is e-issued to board members approximately 7 days (and no fewer than 5 days) prior to scheduled meetings. Board Members are expected to digest all essential reading material and refer to financial reports prior to each and every meeting. If training in financial report reading is required, we offer this once a year and can also support young board members with additional governance training opportunities.
Board Executive positions (Chair, Deputy Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) are determined at the first Board Meeting following the AGM. Additional time, skills and commitment is required of these position-holders.
Prospective new Board Members, who meet one or more of the vacancy criteria above, are required to complete and submit a formal nomination. The steps to follow are:
Nominations must be received by [insert date].
All eligible nominations will be reviewed by the Company Secretary. In order to make an informed decision about nominating, if you have questions about the company, or about what is involved with being on the Board of Management, please get in touch by emailing Laura on
If you are satisfied that you understand what’s involved, and you are already a paid member of WAYTCo, simply complete the form to follow.
This opportunity has come to a close.